West Passyunk
West Snyder / Passyunk Initiative
The Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation (PARC) provides Targeted Corridor Management Services along seven blocks in the West Snyder/Passyunk area including:
- 1400-1600 West Snyder Avenue
- 1400-1600 West Passyunk Avenue
- 2100 South Broad Street
This program is offered in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Commerce and is designed to improve the business conditions and vitality of the district. It focuses on three key areas:

Cleanliness & Safety
PARC currently provides sidewalk cleaning in this area three times per week in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Commerce "Taking Care of Business Program." In addition to cleaning, we can provide free assistance to any business owner who would like to participate in the Business Security Camera Grant Program. Businesses citywide can receive up to 75% of the total eligible costs of an eligible camera system, as much as $3,000 for a single commercial property.
Storefront Improvement Program
PARC partners with the City of Philadelphia Commerce Department to promote the Storefront Improvement Program. The program can reimburse up to 50 percent of the cost of eligible improvements to a maximum of $10,000 for a single commercial property, or up to $15,000 for a multiple-address or corner business property. We provide free assistance and guidance to interested applicants.

Small Business Assistance
Businesses in the West Snyder/Passyunk area are eligible to participate in one-on-one business technical assistance programs. Business Technical Assistance Providers offer help with financing, legal matters, and skills training. PARC can provide assistance with referrals to qualified providers.
For more information about this initiative or any of these programs please contact Alex Balloon, Executive Director at alex@passyarc.com or call 215-551-5111.